I attended the Edinburgh Angling Centre open day whilst representing Tronix Fishing at the weekend, it was quite cool and I had the opportunity to help some newcomers to lure angling which is always rewarding. I met loads of cool people too, both in the industry and just ordinary folk, it was a great time and was nice to catch up with a few friends too.
After the open day Scott and I went on a proper road trip with a little fishing thrown in. The trip was actually supposed to be a hardcore fishing trip but, it really turned into more of a road trip because neither Scott or I had been so far north before, so it was just good to take a look around. We kind of just drove and fished an hour or two here and there, starting at Loch Etive and finishing in Ullapool we covered about 700 miles!
Here's some photo's I took along the way;
I fished like an absolute arse at Loch Etive and it took me ages to get into some fish while Gareth and Scott bagged up!
These Dab were particularly bizarre, this was the first of half a dozen or so caught at Scrabster on 30g Slow Jigs! the place was stiff with them and as soon as anything hit the deck they were on it! I would never think they could be caught like this.
My first ever Short Spined Sea Scorpion, no where near as large as Scotts one above but a new species for me nonetheless. I'm very happy to tick this one off!
Tight Lines.