Thursday, 21 December 2017

Usual Suspects

Gran Canaria was a tough holiday in terms of fishing, I think I said before that it didn't feel like a great lure destination and day time fishing was especially fruitless. I lost one big Barracuda one morning that bit me off right at my feet and swam away with my favourite Jackfin Stylo, that left me in a bad mood for a short time.
The trip was a great time to catch up with Ross and Scott though and we still had a few of the usual suspects, Ornate Wrasse, Greater Weever and Lizard fish of both varieties were ever eager to take our light game offerings!

Canary Damsel
Diamond Lizard Fish
Greater Weever
Madeira Rockfish
Ornate Wrasse
Common Pandora
Two Banded Sea Bream
I have to admit I am going tired of catching tiny fish, I am increasingly looking to actually catch less yet bigger fish, I feel I have had a good run with mini's and whatnot and have enjoyed it, but now it's getting old.
My life is changing quite dramatically and so are my thoughts about my fishing, I am going to really think about what I want from it all in the future.

I expect my friends will pull me back in at regular intervals mind you and to be fair I can't think of better people to fish with than Scott and Ross!

Tight Lines

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

New Species

Whilst away on Gran Canaria I managed another new species; a Black Tail Comber.
I actually misidentified it at first as it looks similar to a Common Comber but the striped markings are irregular in width meaning it is indeed a new one on me, lush!

Caught on the ever faithful Aquawave Ami in case you're curious.

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Small Largemouth

Expectations about fishing holidays can be funny things, I have recently been to Gran Canaria and I expected it to be a better lure location than it was, the fishing was painfully tough!
Knowing we would be going fishing for Black Bass in a Dam or two, I had nice visions of me holding a my first ever fish of this species upwards of four pounds, instead I caught three tiny fish.

Still the location was lush, the sights driving to the dam were pretty nice and to be fair, given the colour of the water I think I was fairly lucky to catch anything on lure!

Thankfully Ross got this snaps, my photos didn't come out and all!

Tight lines.